Monday, January 5, 2009

the story of three rabid squirrels and my stomach

My nerves have kicked in. I can't sleep at night, which means that mornings are horrible. It feels like there are a million things to do, no time to do them, and (as referenced above) like there are three rabid squirrels playing soccer in my stomach. I guess I shouldn't joke about rabid animals, not having got my rabies shot :-)

For a brief run down of my time and purpose in India. I am enrolled at Seattle University in the International Development Internship Program. As a part of the program I will be living and working in Riaganj, India for three months (January through March). I will be working with an organization called the Social Welfare Institute (SWI), run by a man named Fr. Puthumai. My primary position will be teaching older highschool students a conversational Engligh class. I will also be doing field research in the surrounding villages, editing papers in the office and potentially writing grants. I will be living in what is known as the Training Center. It is where all of the single female staff for the SWI live and is run my a nun. From what I am told the center is located 3 miles out of town. Raiganj is rural, an has about 200,000 people.

I am excited, nervous, scared, grateful and anxious all at once.

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